function FormSubscription(id, stepForm, option) { = id; this.stepForm = stepForm; this.option = option; this.onClickPlace = this.onClickPlace.bind(this); this.onClickDate = this.onClickDate.bind(this); this.onClickAddParticipant = this.onClickAddParticipant.bind(this); this.onClickDeleteParticipant = this.onClickDeleteParticipant.bind(this); this.onClickAddOrderCoupon = this.onClickAddOrderCoupon.bind(this); this.onCheckOrderCoupon = this.onCheckOrderCoupon.bind(this); this.onClickSubmit = this.onClickSubmit.bind(this); this.setInputDataName(); this.setInputHidden(); this.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate("init"); this.setBlockPlace("block-place"); this.setBlockDate("block-date"); this.setBlockPlace("block-place-top", "form-next-course"); this.setBlockDate("block-date-top", false); this.setBlockParticipant(); this.setBlockCompany(); this.setBlockOrderCoupon(); this.refreshPrice(); this.setStep(stepForm); document.getElementById('btn-submit').addEventListener('click', this.onClickSubmit); } FormSubscription.prototype.setStep = function () { var defaultDateId = document.getElementById('hidden-date-default-id'); defaultDateId = defaultDateId.innerText.trim().length ? defaultDateId.innerText.trim() : null; if (defaultDateId) { var form = document.getElementById(; form.elements["date-id"].value = defaultDateId; var imgStep1Url = ""; var imgStep2Url = ""; var imgStep2Elt = document.querySelector(".div-choice-02 .div-block-progress img"); var imgStep3Elt = document.querySelector(".div-choice-03 .div-block-progress img"); imgStep2Elt.src = imgStep1Url; imgStep3Elt.src = imgStep2Url; var btnNextStep2 = document.querySelector(".div-choice-02 .btn-subscription:not(.btn-back)"); btnNextStep2.innerText = this.option.btn.step3AsStep2; this.stepForm.hideChoice(1); this.stepForm.showChoice(2); var btnBlock = document.querySelectorAll(".sign-up-form-btn-container"); btnBlock[1].className = btnBlock[1].className.replace(" with-back-btn", ""); this.stepForm.toggleStepButton(2, "prev", "hide"); } } FormSubscription.prototype.setInputDataName = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.stepForm.formInputs.length; i++) { if (this.stepForm.formInputs[i].name.indexOf("participant-") > -1) { var inputId = this.stepForm.formInputs[i].name.replace(/(\D+)/g, ""); var inputName = this.stepForm.formInputs[i].name.replace(/(\d+)/g, "X"); this.stepForm.formInputs[i] = inputName.replace("X", inputId); // this.stepForm.formInputs[i] = this.option.fieldName[inputName].replace("X", inputId); } else { this.stepForm.formInputs[i] = this.stepForm.formInputs[i].name; // this.stepForm.formInputs[i] = this.option.fieldName[this.stepForm.formInputs[i].name]; } } return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.setInputHidden = function () { var hidden = document.querySelectorAll(".hidden-input"); for (var i = 0; i < hidden.length; i++) { hidden[i].style.display = "none"; } } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate = function (action) { var selectedPlaceBlock = document.querySelector(this.option.wrapper + " .input-selected-place"); var selectedDateBlock = document.querySelector(this.option.wrapper + " .input-selected-date"); if (!selectedPlaceBlock || !selectedDateBlock) { return false; } switch (action) { case "init": this.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate("hide"); var prevBtn = document.querySelectorAll(this.option.prevBtn); var nextBtn = document.querySelectorAll(this.option.nextBtn); var obj = this; for (var i = 0; i < prevBtn.length; i++) { prevBtn[i].addEventListener("click", function (evt) { if ( == "2") { obj.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate("hide"); } }); } for (var i = 0; i < nextBtn.length; i++) { nextBtn[i].addEventListener("click", function (evt) { obj.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate("display"); }); } break; case "update": displayValue(".input-selected-place", "input[type=\"radio\"]:checked + .location-radio-btn-label", this.option.wrapper); displayValue(".input-selected-date", ".block-selected input[type=\"radio\"]", this.option.wrapper); function displayValue (block, input, wrapper) { var selectedDataValues = document.querySelectorAll(wrapper + " " + block + " .value"); var selectedDataInput = document.querySelector(wrapper + " " + input); selectedDataInput = (selectedDataInput.tagName == "INPUT") ? selectedDataInput.value.split(" - ") : selectedDataInput.innerText.split(" - "); for(const selectedDataValue of selectedDataValues) { selectedDataValue.innerHTML = selectedDataInput[0]; } } break; case "display": toggleBlock(".input-selected-place", this.option.wrapper); toggleBlock(".input-selected-date", this.option.wrapper); function toggleBlock (block, wrapper) { var selectedDataBlock = document.querySelector(wrapper + " " + block); var selectedDataValue = document.querySelector(wrapper + " " + block + " .value"); if (selectedDataValue.innerText.trim().length && (selectedDataValue.innerText != "undefined")) { = "flex"; } else { = "none"; } } break; case "hide": = "none"; = "none"; break; default: break; } return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockPlace = function (containerId, formId) { formId = formId ||; // Frontcore IDs management var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " input[type=\"radio\"]"); var ids = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " .hidden-place-id"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { inputs[i].id = "input-place-" + (i + 1); inputs[i].value = ids[i].innerText.trim(); } // Arrow management var prevItem = document.querySelectorAll("#" + formId + " .prevloc"); var nextItem = document.querySelectorAll("#" + formId + " .nextloc"); for (var i = 0; i < prevItem.length; i++) { if (inputs.length >= this.option.placeMinForScroll) { prevItem[i].style.display = "flex"; nextItem[i].style.display = "flex"; } else { prevItem[i].style.display = "none"; nextItem[i].style.display = "none"; } } // Place click management var form = document.getElementById(formId); var dates = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " input[type=\"radio\"]"); if (dates.length) { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].addEventListener('click', this.onClickPlace); } return true; } return false; } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockDate = function (containerId, containerHasInput) { function setBlockDateElement (elt, ids, places, title, onClickDate) { = ids[i].innerText.trim(); = places[i].innerText.trim(); if (!containerHasInput) { elt.dataset.scroll = "1"; } = "pointer"; elt.title = title; elt.addEventListener('click', onClickDate); } containerHasInput = (containerHasInput == undefined) ? true : false; var blocks = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " .block-date"); var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " input[type=\"radio\"]"); var ids = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " .hidden-date-id"); var places = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " .hidden-date-place"); var dateDisplayed = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " label span"); var placesDisplayed = document.querySelectorAll("#" + containerId + " .input-date-place"); for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { blocks[i] = ids[i].innerText.trim(); blocks[i] = places[i].innerText.trim(); if (!containerHasInput) { blocks[i].dataset.scroll = "1"; } if (containerHasInput) { inputs[i].id = "input-place-" + (i + 1); inputs[i] = ids[i].innerText.trim(); inputs[i] = places[i].innerText.trim(); // inputs[i].value = ids[i].innerText.trim() + "|" + places[i].innerText.trim(); inputs[i].value = dateDisplayed[i].innerText.trim() + " - " + placesDisplayed[i].innerText.trim(); } var formContainer = this; this.exploreElement(blocks[i], function (elt) { setBlockDateElement(elt, ids, places,, formContainer.onClickDate); }, function (elt) { setBlockDateElement(elt, ids, places,, formContainer.onClickDate); }); } return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockParticipant = function () { this.setParticipantButton(true); return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockCompany = function () { function selectorSetLabel() { var compSelect = document.createElement("DIV"); = "input-company-select"; var compText = document.createElement("P"); compText.className = "input-company-select-label"; compText.innerText = companySelect; compSelect.appendChild(compText); return compSelect; } function selectorReset() { var compBlock = document.querySelector("#block-company div"); var compSelect = document.getElementById("input-company-select"); if (compSelect) { compBlock.removeChild(compSelect); compBlock.appendChild(selectorSetLabel()); } } function initCompanySelect() { var compBlock = document.querySelector("#block-company div"); var compInput = document.getElementById("input-company-name"); compInput.addEventListener("keyup", function () { if (compInput.value.length) { searchBrreg(compInput.value); } else { selectorReset(); } }); compBlock.appendChild(selectorSetLabel()); } function onSelectCompanyName(evt) { document.getElementById("input-company-name").value =; document.getElementById("input-company-number").value =; selectorReset(); } function refreshInput(data) { var selector = document.getElementById("input-company-select"); selector.innerHTML = ""; selector.className = selector.className.replace(/ opened/g, ""); for (var i = 0; (i < 5) && (i < data["_embedded"]["enheter"].length); i++) { var vatNumber = data["_embedded"]["enheter"][i]["organisasjonsnummer"]; var name = data["_embedded"]["enheter"][i]["navn"]; if (i == 0) { selector.className += " opened"; } var compName = document.createElement("p"); compName.addEventListener("click", onSelectCompanyName); = name; compName.dataset.vatnumber = vatNumber; compName.className = "input-company-select-item"; compName.innerText = name + " (" + vatNumber + ")"; selector.appendChild(compName); } } function searchBrreg(input) { fetch("" + input, { method: "GET" }) .then(function (response) { return response.json() }) .then(function (jsonResponse) { refreshInput(jsonResponse); return true; }) .catch(function (error) { return false; }) } if ( { var companySelect = this.option.msg.companySelect; initCompanySelect(); } return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.setBlockOrderCoupon = function () { var btn = document.getElementById("btn-order-coupon"); btn.addEventListener('click', this.onClickAddOrderCoupon); var btn = document.getElementById("btn-order-coupon-check"); btn.addEventListener('click', this.onCheckOrderCoupon); var input = document.getElementById("input-order-coupon-code"); input.removeEventListener('keypress', this.stepForm.onNextStep); input.addEventListener('keypress', this.onCheckOrderCoupon); this.toggleBlock("block-order-coupon-code"); return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickPlace = function (evt) { // Activate relevant dates activateDate(, "block-date", true,, this); activateDate("form-next-course", "block-date-top", this.option.checkDateValidity,, this); activatePlace("block-place",; activatePlace("block-place-top",; // Activate the same place which belong to another form function activatePlace(dateContainerId, selectedPlace) { var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("#" + dateContainerId + " input[type=\"radio\"]"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].value == selectedPlace.value) { inputs[i].checked = true; } } } // Activate dates which belong to a form function activateDate(formId, dateContainerId, checkDateValidity, selectedPlace, obj) { var form = document.getElementById(formId); var blocks = document.querySelectorAll("#" + dateContainerId + " .block-date"); var displayNextBtn = false; for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { if ( {[i].checked = false; } if (checkDateValidity) { if (blocks[i] == selectedPlace.value) { blocks[i].style.display = "block"; displayNextBtn = true; } else { blocks[i].style.display = "none"; } } } } } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickDate = function (evt) { activateDate(; activateDate("form-next-course"); this.setBlockSelectedPlaceDate("update"); if ( == "1") { this.scrollToForm(); } function activateDate (formId) { var dateBlockForm = document.querySelectorAll("#block-date .block-date"); var dateBlockPageTop = document.querySelectorAll("#block-date-top .block-date"); for (var i = 0; i < dateBlockForm.length; i++) { updateDateBlock(dateBlockForm[i],; updateDateBlock(dateBlockPageTop[i],; } var form = document.getElementById(formId); if (form) { if (form.elements["place"].length) { for (var i = 0; i < form.elements["place"].length; i++) { toggleRadioPlace(form.elements["place"][i],; } } else { toggleRadioPlace(form.elements["place"],; } if (form.elements["date-id"]) { form.elements["date-id"].value =; } } } function updateDateBlock(block, eltId) { if (block) { block.className = block.className.replace(/\s+block\-selected/g, ""); toggleRadioDate(block, false); if ( == eltId) { toggleRadioDate(block, true); block.className += " block-selected"; } } } function getChildren (elt, search) { for (var i = 0; i < elt.children.length; i++) { if (elt.children[i].tagName == search) { return elt.children[i]; } } return false; } function toggleRadioPlace (elt, value) { if (elt.value == value) { elt.checked = true; } } function toggleRadioDate (block, checked) { var child = getChildren(block, "DIV"); if (child) { var child = getChildren(child, "LABEL"); if (child) { child = getChildren(child, "INPUT"); if (child) { child.checked = checked; } } } } } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickAddParticipant = function (evt) { this.loadParticipant(); var wrapper = document.getElementById("block-participant-list"); var blocks = document.querySelectorAll("#block-participant-list .block-participant"); var id = blocks.length + 1; var content = blocks[0].outerHTML; content = this.setParticipantInputHtml(1, id, content); // wrapper.appendChild(block); wrapper.innerHTML += content; this.displayParticipant(); this.setParticipantButton(); this.refreshPrice(); this.stepForm.setFormInput("#wf-form-subscription .w-input,#wf-form-subscription input[type=\"radio\"],#wf-form-subscription input[type=\"checkbox\"]"); // this.setBlockParticipant(); } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickDeleteParticipant = function (evt) { this.loadParticipant(); var block = document.getElementById("block-participant-" +; block.remove(); this.participants.splice(parseInt( - 1, 1); var participantCount = this.participantCount(); var blocks = document.querySelectorAll("#block-participant-list .block-participant"); for (var i = 1; i < participantCount; i++) { var oldBlockId = blocks[i].id.replace("block-participant-", ""); blocks[i].id = "block-participant-" + (i + 1); blocks[i].innerHTML = this.setParticipantInputHtml(oldBlockId, (i + 1), blocks[i].innerHTML); } this.displayParticipant(); this.setParticipantButton(); this.refreshPrice(); this.stepForm.setFormInput("#wf-form-subscription .w-input,#wf-form-subscription input[type=\"radio\"],#wf-form-subscription input[type=\"checkbox\"]"); } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickSubmit = function (evt) { var form = document.getElementById(; var participants = []; var participantCount = this.participantCount(); for (var i = 1; i <= participantCount; i++) { participants.push({ "firstname": form.elements["participant-firstname-" + i].value, "lastname": form.elements["participant-lastname-" + i].value, "email": form.elements["participant-email-" + i].value, "phone": form.elements["participant-phone-" + i].value, "position": form.elements["participant-title-" + i].value, /* "custom_properties" : { "source" : form.elements["source"].value, "comment": form.elements["message"].value } */ }); } form.elements["course-participant-list"].value = JSON.stringify(participants); form.elements["course-participant-count"].value = participantCount; /* var data = { "coursedate_id": form.elements["date-id"].value, "payment_method": "invoice", "participants": participants, "company": form.elements["company-name"].value, "company_number": form.elements["company-number"].value, "invoice_address_1": form.elements["company-address"].value, "invoice_zipcode": form.elements["company-postcode"].value, "invoice_city": form.elements["company-city"].value, "invoice_email": form.elements["invoice-email"].value, "invoice_reference": form.elements["invoice-number"].value } if (form.elements["gln-number"] && form.elements["gln-number"].value && form.elements["gln-number"].value.trim().length) { data["gln_number"] = form.elements["gln-number"].value.trim(); } var couponCode = form.elements["order-coupon-code"].value.trim(); var couponType = form.elements["order-coupon-source"].value.trim(); if (couponCode.length && couponType.length) { couponType += "_code"; data[couponType] = couponCode; } form.elements["data"].value = JSON.stringify(data); */ return true; } FormSubscription.prototype.onClickAddOrderCoupon = function (evt) { var visible = this.toggleBlock("block-order-coupon-code"); if (!visible) { var form = document.getElementById(; form.elements["order-coupon-code"].value = ""; form.elements["order-coupon-source"].value = ""; this.refreshPrice(); } } FormSubscription.prototype.onCheckOrderCoupon = function (evt) { this.refreshPrice(); var form = document.getElementById(; form.elements["order-coupon-source"].value = ""; var codeInput = document.getElementById("input-order-coupon-code"); if (!codeInput.value.trim().length) { return false; } var evtClick = (evt.type !== 'keypress'); var evtEnter = ((evt.type === 'keypress') && (evt.key === 'Enter')); if (evtClick || evtEnter) { function setMsgBlock(text, className, display) { display = (display == undefined) ? true : display; var couponBlock = document.querySelector("#block-order-coupon-code"); var msgBlock = document.querySelector("#block-order-coupon-code p"); if (msgBlock) { = display ? "block" : "none"; msgBlock.className = className; msgBlock.innerText = text; } else { msgBlock = document.createElement("P"); msgBlock.className = className; msgBlock.innerText = text; = display ? "block" : "none"; couponBlock.appendChild(msgBlock); } } setMsgBlock("Loading...", "infomsg"); var api = new Api("confex-api", "", this.option.debug); var request = api.send('/dataread-discount/', { "project": form.elements["project"].value, "code": form.elements["order-coupon-code"].value, "id": form.elements["date-id"].value, }, 'GET', null, null); /* request = api.send('/confex-webflowDiscountCheck', { "project": form.elements["project"].value, "code": form.elements["order-coupon-code"].value, "id": parseFloat(form.elements["date-id"].value), }, 'POST'); */ request.then((data) => { if (data.error) { setMsgBlock(data.error.msg, "errormsg"); this.refreshPrice(); return false; } setMsgBlock(this.option.msg.goodCode, "confirmsg"); this.refreshPrice(; form.elements["order-coupon-source"].value =; return true; }).catch((error) => { console.error("onCheckOrderCoupon", "error", error); this.refreshPrice(); return false; }); } return false; } FormSubscription.prototype.toggleNextBtn = function (step, display) { var nextBtn = document.querySelector( (elt) { return elt + "[data-step=\"" + step + "\"]"; })); if (display) { delete; // = "inline-block"; } else { = "none"; } } FormSubscription.prototype.toggleBlock = function (id, display) { var msg = document.getElementById(id); if (display == undefined) { display = ( == "none"); } if (display) { = "block"; return true; } = "none"; return false; } FormSubscription.prototype.participantCount = function () { var form = document.getElementById(; var participantInputs = 0; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].name.indexOf("participant-email-") > -1) { participantInputs++; } } return participantInputs; } FormSubscription.prototype.setParticipantInputHtml = function (oldId, newId, content) { function titleTag(id, title, blockHead) { var html = "<" + blockHead.tag + " id=\"" + + "\" class=\"" + blockHead.class + "\">" + title + " " + id + ""; return html; } function titleTag2(id, title, deleteParticipant, blockHead) { var html = "<" + blockHead.tag + " id=\"" + + "\" class=\"" + blockHead.class + "\" style=\"display: flex;\">" + title + " " + id + "" + deleteTag(id, deleteParticipant) + ""; return html; } function deleteTag(id, deleteParticipant) { var html = "
\"\"" + deleteParticipant + "
"; return html; } content = content.replace(/\n+/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/> /g, ">"); if (parseInt(oldId) == 1) { content = content.replace( titleTag(oldId, this.option.participantTitle, this.option.participant.blockHead), titleTag2(newId, this.option.participantTitle, this.option.btn.deleteParticipant, this.option.participant.blockHead) ); } else { content = content.replace( titleTag2(oldId, this.option.participantTitle, this.option.btn.deleteParticipant, this.option.participant.blockHead), titleTag2(newId, this.option.participantTitle, this.option.btn.deleteParticipant, this.option.participant.blockHead) ); } content = content.replace(" " + oldId + "= formContainer.option.participantMax) { = "none"; } else { = "flex"; } if (addAddClickEvent) { elt.addEventListener('click', formContainer.onClickAddParticipant); } } }, function (elt) { if (i < blocks.length - 1) { elt.dataset.test = "delete"; } else { elt.dataset.test = "add"; } }); } } FormSubscription.prototype.loadParticipant = function () { this.participants = []; var participantCount = this.participantCount(); for (var i = 0; i < participantCount; i++) { var firstname = document.getElementById("input-participant-firstname-" + (i + 1)); var lastname = document.getElementById("input-participant-lastname-" + (i + 1)); var title = document.getElementById("input-participant-title-" + (i + 1)); var email = document.getElementById("input-participant-email-" + (i + 1)); var phone = document.getElementById("input-participant-phone-" + (i + 1)); this.participants.push({ firstname: firstname.value, lastname: lastname.value, title: title.value, email: email.value, phone: phone.value }); } } FormSubscription.prototype.displayParticipant = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.participants.length; i++) { var firstname = document.getElementById("input-participant-firstname-" + (i + 1)); var lastname = document.getElementById("input-participant-lastname-" + (i + 1)); var title = document.getElementById("input-participant-title-" + (i + 1)); var email = document.getElementById("input-participant-email-" + (i + 1)); var phone = document.getElementById("input-participant-phone-" + (i + 1)); firstname.value = this.participants[i].firstname; lastname.value = this.participants[i].lastname; title.value = this.participants[i].title; email.value = this.participants[i].email; phone.value = this.participants[i].phone; } } FormSubscription.prototype.refreshPrice = function (discount) { this.loadPrice(discount); this.displayPrice(); } FormSubscription.prototype.loadPrice = function (discount) { this.price = { person: 0.00, coupon: 0.00, total: 0.00 }; this.priceHtmlToFloat("person"); // this.priceHtmlToFloat("coupon"); // this.priceHtmlToFloat("total"); var participantCount = this.participantCount(); if (discount) { discount.value = parseFloat(discount.value); if (discount.type == "percent") { = (discount.value / 100.00) * this.price.person * participantCount; } else if (discount.type == "value") { = discount.value; } } = this.price.person * participantCount -; } FormSubscription.prototype.displayPrice = function () { this.priceFloatToHtml("person"); this.priceFloatToHtml("coupon"); this.priceFloatToHtml("total"); } FormSubscription.prototype.priceHtmlToFloat = function (field) { var html = document.querySelector("#block-price-" + field + " .price-value"); if (html) { this.price[field] = this.priceStringToFloat(html.innerText.trim()); } } FormSubscription.prototype.priceFloatToHtml = function (field) { var html = document.querySelector("#block-price-" + field + " .price-value"); if (html) { html.innerHTML = this.priceFloatToString(this.price[field]); } } FormSubscription.prototype.priceStringToFloat = function (data) { return parseFloat(data.replace(/\s+/g, "")); } FormSubscription.prototype.priceFloatToString = function (value, precision, lang, curr) { precision = precision || 2; var valueB = new Intl.NumberFormat(lang || 'fr-FR', Object.assign({ minimumFractionDigits: precision, maximumFractionDigits: precision }, curr ? { style: 'currency', currency: curr } : {})).format(value); return valueB; } FormSubscription.prototype.exploreElement = function(elt, callbackElt, callbackChild) { callbackElt(elt); for (var i = 0; i < elt.children.length; i++) { if (elt.children[i].children.length) { this.exploreElement(elt.children[i], callbackElt, callbackChild); } else { callbackChild(elt.children[i]); } } } FormSubscription.prototype.replaceAll = function(subject, search, replace) { var re = new RegExp(search, "g"); return subject.replace(re, replace); } FormSubscription.prototype.scrollToForm = function () { var formAnchor = document.querySelector("a[href=\"#register\"]"); // console.log("formAnchor", formAnchor);; /* var posRegSection = Math.abs(document.getElementById("regsection").offsetTop); var posRegister = Math.abs(document.getElementById("register").offsetTop); posRegister = (posRegister < 200) ? (posRegSection - posRegister) : posRegister; var posDiff = Math.abs(posRegSection - posRegister); console.log("regsection", posRegSection); console.log("register", posRegister); console.log("posDiff", posDiff); console.log("scroll to", posRegSection - posDiff); window.scroll(0, posRegSection - posDiff); */ }